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A Guide on Where to See the Mummies of Yamagata

Three years later, his disciples will dig him up to see if he has successfully completed the process to become a self-mummified monk or living Buddha (sokushinbutsu)...

Kumano Kodo: Iseji Route

Traversing steep mountain passes, bamboo forests, cobbled stone paths, and sandy beaches, Kumano Kodo’s Iseji trail is one of the oldest surviving sacred sites in Japan...

Atami Adult Museum

A crank-operated fan underneath Marilyn Monroe’s dress reveals a rather *ahem* hairy situation at the Atami Adult Museum...

Tachiarai Peace Memorial Museum

Tachiarai City in eastern Fukuoka Prefecture offers two very different museums focusing on the history of kamikaze pilots towards the end of World War II...

Nakasendo Trail (Magome-Tsumago)

The Magome-Tsumago or Nakasendo trail is an eight-kilometer hike that can be completed at a leisurely pace in under two hours...

Kaka no Kukedo Sea Caves

The Shimane Peninsula, located in northeastern Shimane Prefecture, is a place where history, religion and dramatic landscapes intersect...

Upopoy National Ainu Museum and Park

In fact, the Ainu were not officially recognized as an indigenous people by the Japanese government until 2019...

Huis Ten Bosch

Huis Ten Bosch is a Dutch-themed amusement park along Omura Bay in Sasebo city...

Shimabara Castle

It caused such a strain on the local populace that it was one of the factors behind the Shimabara Rebellion erupting from 1637 to 1638...

Nagoya Castle

If you’re into your samurai history (or you’ve just watched History of Japan on YouTube too many times) then you’ll be excited to know that one of the quintessential big shots of the time, Tokugawa Ieyasu, is responsible for commissioning the original castle...


Ouchi-juku is a time-slip worthy of a Hollywood movie set...

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