It’s back back, back, back again. Osaka’s favorite drag group, the Haus of Gaishoku, has moved its base of operation to Tokyo. Gaishoku now hosts its popular Beauty Blenda drag shows in both cities.
Co-hosted by American drag queen Goma Dango and Japanese queen Shigata Ichikuchi, Beauty Blenda is a show that takes bilingual entertainment seriously. Since its inception in 2018, the event has steadily increased its scope and ambition, now featuring over a dozen performers in a single night at its Shinjuku Ni-chome shows.
A wild night at Beauty Blenda serves a full buffet of variety entertainment, from drag kings and queens to contortionists, magicians and pole dancers.
A true variety show
Aside from the main acts, expect a smattering of stand up comedy, audience interviews and brutal lip-sync hoedowns between the queens. One memorable bit Goma Dango often performs is her search for a boyfriend—involving live singing, improv, interviews with potential “boy-toys” and a final, bitter lip-sync as Goma resigns herself to single-hood.
Even among the drag queen lineup, Beauty Blenda incorporates a range of styles, from comedy queens like Goma, to edgy avant-garde queens like Okini and Kosmic Sans, to dancing and contortion queens like Xtra.
Join the show
Enjoying the view? It’s better under the spotlight. Performers of all genders and backgrounds are free to join. With its new Ichome Idol segment, Beauty Blenda welcomes baby kings and queens to try their hand and their lip-mashing skills on stage.
Be warned—Ichome Idol is overseen by a panel of senior Haus of Gaishoku members, who take turns offering “helpful advice” (read: savage reads) to the fledgling performer.
There is no such thing as too much drag, and the rapidly growing scene of Tokyo brings joy to the hearts of many. Whether you’re a tourist or a longstanding resident, check out the next date for Beauty Blenda’s lively LGBTQ events. And, of course, stay fab, stay bad.
LGBTQ in Japan? We’ve got the deets on all the hotspots for you to check out.